Sunday, April 11, 2010

information, interaction and visual design:

We know how to 'embed interactivity' into the interface - use buttons, clickable icons, 'interactive sequences' Introduction interactive sequences', drag and drop behaviours, enable users to draw directly to screen, search texts, VRML, immersive environments....the list goes on.
Interactivity in a computer products means that the user, not the designer, controls the sequences, space and most importantly what to look at and what to ignore.

In 1988, Alexander Associates sponsored INtertainment, the first annual conference bringing together people from all corners of the interactive entertainment business. People came from such diverse industries as personal computers, video games, broadcast and cable television, optical media, museums, and amusement parks. Over the course of the two days, a debate about the meaning of the word "interactive" raged through every session, disrupting carefully planned panels and presentations. People seemed to regard "interactivity" as the unique cultural discovery of the electronic age, and they demanded a coherent definition. Several speakers tried to oblige, but no one succeeded." (Laurel, 1992, p. 20)

I wasn't aware of this controversy when I researched and launched my Web site, the Software Design Smorgasbord, in the spring of 1997. I created my site to help me track developments in user interface design from a number of perspectives that arose independently and, at the time, weren't communicating very well. As I scoured the Web each month for information to keep my site current, I found myself continually encountering a term I was unfamiliar with: "interaction design."

For example, Cooper Software Design -- the consultancy built by Alan Cooper, the "father of Visual Basic" and one of the most penetrating critics of user interfaces -- changed its name to Cooper Interaction Design. Mikael Ericsson, an instructor at Linköping University in Sweden and editor of one of the most popular Web sites on user interface design, began developing and teaching a master's program in interaction design. And the growing number of companies that developed Web sites for others often listed "interaction designers" among their staff, and were actively recruiting them.

I became curious. Where did the term interaction design come from? What exactly does it mean? And what do the people who call themselves interaction designers actually do?

I'd like to share some of what I discovered as I explored these questions. And I'd also like to discuss some implications of what I found for information design. Looking at information in terms of interactivity, it turns out, provides the basis for an entire typology for examining user assistance (which I'll present in Part 2 of this article) and envisioning new possibilities.

The Term Comes from Human-Computer Interaction

It took computer science a long time to transcend its fixation on hardware and software and begin to study usability issues systematically. It wasn't until the late Eighties that the ACM and the IEEE -- the two largest and most influential computer science organizations -- recommended including user interface design in their official computer science curriculum (Denning et al., 1989). Meanwhile, scientists from other disciplines had been examining the effects using computers had on people. Cognitive psychologists studied the impacts on perception, memory, learning, and problem solving, and human factors specialists examined them on human physiology.

Somewhere in all this -- I couldn't locate a clear point of origin -- a field called "human-computer interaction" arose. Human-computer interaction (or, sometimes, computer-human interaction -- the terms are used interchangeably) is the area of computer science that examines user interfaces and their use. The field is generally referred to by its acronyms: HCI and CHI.

Textbooks emerged. In 1986, Ben Schneiderman's Designing the User Interface (3rd edition, 1997) appeared. It was followed by two separate volumes, each called Human Computer Interaction, by Dix et al. in 1992 (2nd edition, 1998) and Preece et al. in 1994.

This definition of interaction from Dix et al. is representative of these texts, and the field:

By interaction we mean any communication between a user and computer, be it direct or indirect. Direct interaction involves a dialog with feedback and control throughout the performance of the task. Indirect interaction may involve background or batch processing. The important thing is that the user is interacting with the computer in order to accomplish something. (Dix et al., 1998, p. 3)

In the context of the mice and keyboards, then, it seems fairly clear that interaction refers to what happens on your display when you click and type. Interaction design, presumably, means envisioning and creating some kind of map of how this should be done in a specific application.

So why all the controversy? Don't all programmers take this into account as a matter of course when they create interfaces? Well yes, they do. But that doesn't mean they do it well. As Theodor Holm Nelson wrote around the time of the first INtertainment conference:

Learning to program has no more to do with designing interactive software than learning to touch-type has to do with writing poetry. The design of interactivity is scarcely taught in programming school. What we need in software is what people are taught in film school, at least to whatever degree it can be taught. Designing for the little screen on the desktop has the most in common with designing for the Big Screen. (Laurel, 1990, p. 243)

What Does Designing Interaction Mean?

Let's jump ahead for a moment and look at the meaning of designing interaction in Web design. It's often called "interactivity" rather than "interaction" in this context. The two terms are used virtually synonymously: "interaction designers" commonly "design interactivity." We'll return to general software development in the next section.

Integrating interactivity into your Web site means starting with a solid understanding of what the components of interactivity are. But to ask what interactivity is seems a little thick -- I mean, it's obvious. Isn't it? (Szeto et al., 1997, p. 78.)

When I read this I thought of St. Augustine's observation, in the Confessions, that when no one asks him what time is, he knows, but when someone asks him, he doesn't know anymore. Perhaps interactivity is one of those words -- like time and love and truth -- that people use easily enough but, when pressed, can't define.

It's easy enough to identify what Szeto et al. call "the components of interactivity." They're created with tools such as Macromedia Director and 3D Studio Max, or sometimes just HTML. But creating these components doesn't necessarily make a successfully interactive Web site -- any more than typing words and calling it poetry necessarily makes good poetry.
Terry R. Schussler, in a presentation called Building Interactivity Into Your Website at the Mac World San Francisco 98 conference, explained that interaction is not animation. It's not audio. It's not video. It's "user control and dynamic experience."

"Dynamic experience." Sounds like another one of those slippery words. But that's exactly the type of language used by interaction designers to describe what they do -- in the context of Web design, at least. Spend some time at the sites of the Web design firms in the sidebar. They all discuss interaction design as designing appealing user experiences.

Jennifer Fleming, in an exploration of how to build successful navigation into a Web site, comes to this recognition pointedly:

Rather than designing sidebars and menus, you're designing spaces and interactions. In short, you're crafting the user experience. . . . In the graphical environment of the Web, interface design has to do with constructing visual meaning. The happy marriage of architecture and interface -- of logical structure and visual meaning -- creates a cohesive user experience. (Fleming, 1998, p. 11, p. 63)

The most provocative exponent of this perspective that I've come upon, though, has been Nathan Shedroff, creative director of Vivid Studios and one of the most acclaimed Web designers working today.

Interactivity isn't about non-linear navigation or moving animations on the screen. It's about what people can do on the site, what they can participate in, what the site does to address their needs, interests, goals, and abilities." (quoted in Fleming, 1998, p. 66)

Interaction design is the art of effectively creating interesting and compelling experiences for others. (Shedroff, 1999).

Nathan is a Big Picture thinker. He's clear that interactivity is anything but a unique cultural discovery of the electronic age. At one point, in response to a request for good examples of interactivity on the Internet, his first response is that there aren't any. The example of interactivity he returns to repeatedly is storytelling. A good storyteller -- capturing her audience, engaging her listeners -- is creating an interactive experience.

Interactivity is about genuine human engagement. That's the measure of successfully "interactive" software. And from this Nathan draws a stark observation:

This means that the competition for interactive media products is as big as all of human experience. In other words, your competitors for that CD-ROM on tropical fish are not other tropical fish CD-ROMs or even laserdiscs, but television documentaries, narrative and reference books, aquariums, scuba diving, travel, etc. If the experience you create is not a compelling one (whether justified by the bounds of the technology or not), you will never find a large audience. (Shedroff, 1994)

This is a very important point, and one that was lost on all the Web designers who added interactive components to their site without fully considering the overall effect.

Two questions arise, though, when we consider interaction design as the creation of compelling experiences. The first is: Where is it appropriate? There's no obvious correlation between having fun on a site or with a piece of software and achieving business goals such as knowledge acquisition or high productivity. (Did anyone count, in the early days of Windows, how many companies forbade their employees from playing Solitaire?) User enjoyment may be a positive or negative factor when performance metrics are what counts.

The second is: Is this an expansion of the classic meaning of interaction, or a new meaning altogether? Take another look at the Dix et al. definition of direct interaction (the kind we're concerned with here) cited earlier:

Direct interaction involves a dialog with feedback and control throughout the performance of the task.

Okay. Then what about components like animated GIFs and movie clips when they're not initiated or controlled by users? What about the fact that "designing for the Big Screen" may have nothing to do with dialog, feedback, and control? If interaction design is about the creation of compelling experiences, feedback and control may be tools in a designer's toolbox, but they're not always components of whatever's being designed. Devices and approaches that don't use them may contribute to the user experience, too.

The issue becomes even more complicated. Many designers create "experience modules" (for lack of a better term) that a user can choose to execute. But that's the extent of the user's control. Once launched, these modules present pre-packaged experiences that are designed, in effect, to control the user. Other designers give a user the opportunity to explore or do something with a site, or piece of software, in ways that its creators may never have considered. The user really does control the experience. Both groups of designers call what they do "interaction design."

Like many important words, then, "interactivity" and "interaction design" turn out to have multiple meanings. Maybe that's what generated the controversy at the first INtertainment conference. But we don't want to go too far afield here. The "components of interactivity" are generally regarded as key elements in successfully interactive software and Web sites. Interaction design may not reduce to them, but it does entail their use. And so it seems to follow that we can describe interaction designers as those who use certain toolboxes and techniques.

Or so it would seem. But, particularly in larger firms, this isn't the case at all.

What Do Interaction Designers Actually Do?

Let's return again to the broader domain of software development. In 1993, Deborah Hix and H. Rex Hartson from Virginia Tech published an influential volume called Developing User Interfaces. In it, they argued that "user interface development must be an integral part of the overall software engineering process, not an add-on or afterthought" (p. vii), and the book lays out the process of how this was done at the time by successful companies such as Apple and Microsoft.

They call the key player the "user interaction developer." This is, I believe, effectively the same person as the "interaction designer" in the Web world. In more traditional software development, this person is responsible

to develop the content, behavior, and appearance of the interaction design. People in this role are directly responsible for ensuring usability, including user performance and satisfaction. They are concerned with critical design issues such as functionality, sequencing, content, and information access, as well as such details as what menus should look like, how forms should be formatted, whether to use a mouse or trackball, and how to ensure consistency across an interface. A major part of the developer's job is also concerned with setting measurable usability specifications, evaluating interaction designs with users, and redesigning based on analysis of users' evaluations of an interface. (Hartson and Hix, 1993, p. 9).

What Do Interaction Designers Actually Do?

Let's return again to the broader domain of software development. In 1993, Deborah Hix and H. Rex Hartson from Virginia Tech published an influential volume called Developing User Interfaces. In it, they argued that "user interface development must be an integral part of the overall software engineering process, not an add-on or afterthought" (p. vii), and the book lays out the process of how this was done at the time by successful companies such as Apple and Microsoft.

They call the key player the "user interaction developer." This is, I believe, effectively the same person as the "interaction designer" in the Web world. In more traditional software development, this person is responsible

to develop the content, behavior, and appearance of the interaction design. People in this role are directly responsible for ensuring usability, including user performance and satisfaction. They are concerned with critical design issues such as functionality, sequencing, content, and information access, as well as such details as what menus should look like, how forms should be formatted, whether to use a mouse or trackball, and how to ensure consistency across an interface. A major part of the developer's job is also concerned with setting measurable usability specifications, evaluating interaction designs with users, and redesigning based on analysis of users' evaluations of an interface. (Hartson and Hix, 1993, p. 9).

From an information design standpoint, the new reality, driven by new technological options, is that information can be blended and woven into software in ways that were barely imaginable just a few years ago.

The question this raises for information design is "What guidance can be provided?" What tools and techniques are appropriate for different kinds of interactive assistance, and why? How can positioning information within this new software, using new possibilities, contribute to enhancing the user experience? And how can information best be displayed within this software in ways that contribute to, in Nathan's phrase, users' "needs, interests, goals, and abilities"?

I don't want to lose sight of the obvious answer. Good, clear, well-organized writing and effective graphical information have value. They contribute greatly to the user experience. But this is only part of the answer.

The new reality -- the one shaped by interaction designers -- tells us that good writing and graphics need to be positioned appropriately. When they're relegated to an unused help system, they don't really help anybody. In software real estate -- just as in any other -- location matters.

And so does interactivity. The new reality offers more ways to present information than ever before. In Part 2 of this article, under the topic "Make Way for Interactive Assistance," I'll present a typology for

for our navigation we search many articles which could help us through designing : (as an example)

Good Web Site Navigation - Reaching The Information Instantly

Creating good web site navigation is the most important task a web designer has to accomplish in the web design process. Web site navigation is the pathway people take to navigate through sites. It must be well constructed, easy to use and intuitive. Poor navigation does not help users and often, your site can prove to be less accessible than others.

Good navigation is fundamental to good web design - in both business and informational sites - users should be able to find information easily. If the navigation is not easy to use or intuitive users will quickly go elsewhere in search of information. We often see ourselves in front of web sites without knowing what to do next. The navigation is so well hidden or disguised that the some users simply dont know how to use it. Navigation is the single most important element in creating accessible and usable web sites.

Checklist and key points to consider when designing navigation

  • People can enter a site through any other page, not just the homepage. Using other pages as entry points is achieved through search engines, links from other web sites or bookmarks. Users must easily find their way around a web site from every and any page. They should be able to reach the homepage from any page within the web site. Reaching all major site sections can only help them see more of the provided information.
  • Bear in mind what people expect from good website navigation: primary navigation (most important links, categories etc), secondary navigation (secondary links, subcategories etc), position of navigation, link titles, number of links per page etc.
  • Keep in mind the "the less clicks the better" concept when designing web site navigation. You must aid your visitors in finding the information they seek as quickly as possible. The website must respond instantly to their instincts.

Think and act like the average user does. Then design.

The most frequent issue in web design is that designers do not act and do not try to experience web sites from the user perspective. They are often misled to think that their web site's navigation is the best when in fact it might not be. They might only have that impression for the simple fact that they're familiar with it.

It would be useful to open up a few sites and take a look at the web site navigation, how it's positioned, how easy it is to go through etc. Consider how many pages you can access from any page. Can you go to related pages? Are there hints to help users navigate? Is there a site map with all the pages in the website? Can you figure out where you are at any time?

Design good primary web site navigation

Although primary navigation is very important users should not be forced to rely heavily on primary navigation but rather be able to use smaller "doorways" to jump to related pages.

  • Left navigation. Left web site navigation is the most common type of navigation. However, the designer must make sure that at 800x600 resolutions or higher the most important navigation links are visible in full at first page load and that they do not fold below the screen. The navigation links width should be narrower than 300px in order to leave enough space for body text. Left navigation has become very popular because it is responds to user behaviour: start reading from the left - read navigation links - click on the desired link - keep reading fresh content to the left.
  • Top navigation. Top navigation is the second most common navigation. The advantage of a top navigation bar is that it leaves more room below for content and other relevant information. However, you must make sure that the navigation stands out. People tend to ignore everything that looks remotely like adds. If you intend to put graphics in the header of the page make sure the navigation bar is situated below the graphics and not above it. People might ignore the graphics and the navigation bar along with it. They might end up thinking that there's nothing more to that website. This is a classic example of the importance of secondary navigation.
  • Right navigation. For English language based web sites people read from left to right. Thus, a menu situated on the right hand side would be difficult to use. People tend to read the navigation first and then the body text.

Design good secondary navigation

Links which do not belong in the primary navigation are used to make up the secondary navigation. Such links are the usual Contact Us, About Us, Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, Site Map, Links and so on.

Position of the secondary navigation does not have a general rule

  • Secondary navigation can be placed just below primary navigation while making sure it does not stand out as much as the primary navigation does. Web designers can either make the link text smaller, use a separator or leave a reasonable amount of space for the eye to be able to make distinction between the two. When using top navigation secondary navigation can be placed on the left hand side of the page.

Text menus to help users

Text menus can be used as primary navigation but they can also be used as an additional navigation method. Often the text menu is placed at the bottom of the page. By the time you finish reading relatively long pages the main menu may be out of sight, a text menu in the page footer proves to be a solid navigation alternative for users who get easily confused or wish to save time.

Internal linking

One important aspect of navigation is internal linking between the pages. One can place links to other pages within the site in the actual body text of the page. This can help users find related information quickly. Internal linking can also help search engine spiders to find their way to every single page. For example, if you're talking about text based browsers link the word browsers to a related page like a glossary for instance.

Placing a small set of links just below the text to related pages or resources is also a very successful way to interlink pages of similar interest.

Reasons against intricate, overly modern navigation

When designing for users it is important to give them what they expect. Web designers should not confuse matters by using funky, intricate navigation no matter how cool it might be. Users do not like to be kept away from the information they are after. They do not have the patience or time to discover and learn navigation, it should be instinctive and instantly clickable. Complicated and difficult to use navigation makes users feel uneasy and apprehensive about a web site. They are likely to leave the site to go somewhere else where they feel welcome and where they can easily find what they're looking for. It's very important to prevent that from happening.

Web site navigation checklist

  • Titles of navigation links should be short, descriptive and intuitive. Users should easily understand what every link leads to.
  • The primary navigation should not have more than 6-7 links. Keep only the most important links in the primary navigation and leave the rest for the secondary navigation.
  • Make the primary navigation stand out by using graphics or different links style.
  • If using graphics or javascript links, a text alternative should be available. Some people might have the graphics turned off or javascript disabled when browsing the Internet. In such cases an alternate option should be available. To achieve this, a text menu and the bottom of the page could be included.
  • On every page there should be a reasonable number of links. Pages with 20-30 links are harder to use than pages with 10 links. Visitors don't have the time to click on all of them to see if they are interested in the information secluded behind them. The best approach is group similar links in categories and let people discover them click upon click.
  • Users should be able to tell at any time their whereabouts are in a web site. A crumbs type of menu such as the one on this page lets them know that they are in a subsection of the Accessible web design section.
  • Colour links don't necessarily have to be standard but they should be able to tell if a link has been clicked before or not.

Testing web site navigation

In order to test web site navigation have inexperienced users navigate through the web site. If they find it intuitive to use then so will more experienced users. It means that the web site is a navigational success.

web development
during our web developing process we went through all phase of planning, such as information architecture, site design and site structure and etc.. our design strategy was problem base learning based on ADDIE MODEL, for doing this task we analyzed all the stages
The ADDIE model is a systematic instructional design model consisting of five phases: (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation, and (5) Evaluation. Various flavors and versions of the ADDIE model exist.

Originator: Unknown. Refined by Dick and Carey and others.

Key terms: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation


The generic term for the five-phase instructional design model consisting of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Each step has an outcome that feeds into the next step in the sequence. There are probably over 100+ different variations of the generic ADDIE model.

The five phases of ADDIE are as follows:


  • During analysis, the designer identifies the learning problem, the goals and objectives, the audience’s needs, existing knowledge, and any other relevant characteristics. Analysis also considers the learning environment, any constraints, the delivery options, and the timeline for the project.


  • A systematic process of specifying learning objectives. Detailed storyboards and prototypes are often made, and the look and feel, graphic design, user-interface and content is determined here.


  • The actual creation (production) of the content and learning materials based on the Design phase.


  • During implementation, the plan is put into action and a procedure for training the learner and teacher is developed. Materials are delivered or distributed to the student group. After delivery, the effectiveness of the training materials is evaluated.


  • This phase consists of (1) formative and (2) summative evaluation. Formative evaluation is present in each stage of the ADDIE process. Summative evaluation consists of tests designed for criterion-related referenced items and providing opportunities for feedback from the users. Revisions are made as necessary.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

hello dear viewer,
first of all i want to take this opportunity to thank my wonderful lecturer for his support and patience with our class and specially me!!! since i was a nEnglish Translator student in my BA and i decided to continue my studies in education technology for MA i had some difficulties in almost every semester, i really didn't have any background in computer and multimedia. to make the long story short, i had to study and work hard to overcome my problems. in my second semester i had to pass a course which we had to work with flash and dream weaver,( i had noooooo idea what they were ;) ) . hopefully i had great lecturer and friends that guided me through my problems and after the semester was over i could say i knew what flash an dream weaver is!! our assigments were some how limited but in this semester i took web base development which was much more harder, durrig this semester in a group of 5 we had to develpe our own educational web site, as i mention earlier last semester i became familer to dream weaver, but this semester i acually had to explor dream weavers' environment and work with all its aspects.
our website was about basic principles of multimedia so we devided our group members, i choosed to be the project manager , for this reason i i had to search for content, information and garphics and etc.. along with my group members and to be there when ever something went wrong. some parts of our website we needed to add flash files, which we had to go over our notes from last semester.
we normaly had 2 to 3 meeting in a week, to share our outcome with our group memebers.
our group tried so hard while doing this project. now that our website is finished i can easily say i really know how to work with dream weaver and flash.
also i need to add that, durring our class each week we had new topics, such as information design, interaction and visual design. our lecturer asked us to search for information and articles related to these topics, so i had to look for information either in books or the internet. hopefully i had no problems in this eara ;))).
all i want to say is that this semester was a real challenge for me and i had to work hard, but on the other had my wanderful lecture and my friends were always there to guide and help me along the way, i am glad to have this blog in order to share my knoweldge and i hope i could be a help to others in same situation,
thank u all
and i will deeply miss u all